Some things have changed

I started this web site about 10 years ago, mostly for the sake of the men in my Sexual Integrity for Men course. Then I used it to provide news of an upcoming book, Porn Free: Finding Renewal through Truth and Community. The book was published in 2011, sold well, and since then has faded, as all such books do.

I was never a diligent blogger, having many other responsibilities and less free time than it would require. Maybe I was doing something more important, and so it was a good thing. Since then, a lot of things have changed for me, and I have completed neglected this site for about 7 years. I have decided to broaden the scope of this site, not because I’m not interested in sexual health and recovery from addiction, but because I’m also interested in other things.

Earlier today I posted a recipe. I’m an avid cook, and read other cooking blogs, and thought I could use it to share recipes I’ve developed with my friends. Maybe other people will be interested as well. Then I decided that I was use this blog in a more general sense, rather than the very specific purpose I created it for. After all, if I’m going to pay the hosting fees I might as well use it.

So you will see new content here, and that means it’s time to re-brand. I hope the reader enjoys the difference.

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